Dear NBA President/NEC, Please Perish the Thought of Implementating N50,000 2024-AGC Fee For Young Lawyers: An Appeal for a Review

Dear NBA President/NEC, Please Perish the Thought of Implementating N50,000 2024-AGC Fee   For Young Lawyers: An Appeal for a Review

In a country where perilous times permeate the fabrics of every sector; in a country where an economy digresses, hunger, high cost of living, fuel, gas, transportation, et al, yawn on the emaciated faces of every countryman and the air of vices gainfully breathing on the throats of all; in all these, what a time for Nigerian Bar Association(NBA) to plunge and confine its members to worry, particularly younger lawyers whom have become the worst hit, the worst targeted and the worst affected even when they are a viable and the acclaimed hope of the profession; what a time to be a young lawyer! What a time! 

As tongue-bittered as it is, it is no longer news that the media space has been awash with publication of the upward review of the 2024-AGC Registration fees sadly approved by the NBA-NEC with young lawyers paying a throat-choking and neck-strangling sum of N50,000 under early bird category.

With the above wreaking and wrecking the mind, one would hasten but discerningly ask:
* Apart from the Akpata-led administration that facilitated the free Law Pavilion for young lawyers within 1-7years post-call, what notable welfare packages have the NBA put in place for young lawyers?
* How many young lawyers in the senior-dominated profession can comfortably fend for themselves?
* How many of these young lawyers are working in good Law Firms or afford them?
* What are the existing salary structure(if any) and/or welfare pages have the NBA put in place for these young folks
* How many young lawyers are still living off their parents and relatives?
* How many of them are recruited in either public or private sectors?
* and many many more mind-puncturing questions
As one   tinker on these mouth-gagging questions, one could not help, but to ponder why the only farm, the only profession and the only Association arguably touted to be NOBLE  and the Biggest Bar in Africa would pick on its vulnerable members at a time like this.

NBA cannot and should not wriggle under the cloak of financial crises as from time immemorial, the noble Association has often enjoyed the continued support of Governments, corporate bodies, NGOs, International and local donor agencies, renowned colleagues and private individuals. Thus, an attempt to execute the approved fees will undoubtedly work serious difficulty on younger folks in the profession and may paint the NBA as insensitive elitist with a tortoise shell not amendable to the heartfelt yearnings of the  people. Far be it! May God forbid that!

With the cost of living in Lagos on the high side and of course Nigeria----hotel accomodations, land and air transport  fares and other miscellaneous expenses of these lawyers who would traverse the length and breadth of the country in a bid to attend that one event that makes them fulfilled as members of the association, one would quickly gesture a No-No for an upward increment of the 2024 -AGC Fees, particularly, against young lawyers.

Consequently, I solemnly call on the NBA President  and NBA-NEC, as a matter of necessity, to punctuate the implementation of the approved cost of AGC registration, 2024. This cannot spell good for the profession. It may not speak well of the Association. It is, at least, a digressing move wrapped with an unfolding tension

It is rather recommendable that, as a matter of expediency and proactiveness, the Association moves swiftly to other options that could ameliorate the would-have-been harsh effect of implementing the approved AGC Registration schedules. 
A maintenance of the status quo or even lesser amount than the N15, 000 would be a commendable feat for NBA and young lawyers.
The NBA President/NBA-NEC, should humbly perish the thought of implementing the figures approved by them as this may appear being insensitive to the plights of these young folks. These and many more expert and individual advise are evidently recommendable to the NBA.

Immense Regards,

Meti M. Ukpeh, Esq.
Uyo-based Human Rights  Lawyer


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