Dear NBA President/NEC, Please Perish the Thought of Implementating N50,000 2024-AGC Fee For Young Lawyers: An Appeal for a Review

Dear NBA President/NEC, Please Perish the Thought of Implementating N50,000 2024-AGC Fee For Young Lawyers: An Appeal for a Review In a country where perilous times permeate the fabrics of every sector; in a country where an economy digresses, hunger, high cost of living, fuel, gas, transportation, et al, yawn on the emaciated faces of every countryman and the air of vices gainfully breathing on the throats of all; in all these, what a time for Nigerian Bar Association(NBA) to plunge and confine its members to worry, particularly younger lawyers whom have become the worst hit, the worst targeted and the worst affected even when they are a viable and the acclaimed hope of the profession; what a time to be a young lawyer! What a time! As tongue-bittered as it is, it is no longer news that the media space has been awash with publication of the upward review of the 2024-AGC Registration fees sadly approved by the NBA-NEC with young lawyers paying a throat-choking and neck-strangling sum...