LIFE AND ITS WAYS: Time To Say Farewell To My Bossom Friend, Ogaga. E. Esq.

LIFE AND ITS WAYS: Farewell To My Bossom Friend, Ogaga. E. Esq.

By ~ Precious Umoroye Abi, Esq. (Ogaga’s Bossom friend and one of his campaign coordinators.)

Time to say farewell. The unpredictability of life stroke me on the day Ogaga left to the other side of Jordan, because in the morning of the day he left, he had told me in an unusual, unsteady but decisive voice that everything would be alright and l believed him. I had no cause to prompt the unpredictability of life. Not thoughtful of the fact that life has different shades and only God decides the affairs in the realm of men.

If the issue of death as to who dies or lives, is dependent on how good or bad a man is, this man, this Ogaga Emoghwenre would have still been alive. More so, If to be granted life is decided by votes, I know Ogaga would have secured substantial number of votes to be granted life to live. For it is written, known and believed that only the One who gives life takes life. Our Ogaga was given to us and has been taken by the One who has the exclusive ownership of life.

Today, I bless the name of the only ONE who gives and takes the breath of life from the nostrils of men for the number of days Ogaga lived on earth and the impact he made in our lives.

After all, It is said, it does not matter how long a man lives but how he lives and what indelible marks he left behind. I will eternally live to remember those simple moments I spent with Ogaga that bring the best part of our humanity. He was like a shepherd who is willing, against all odds, to give his life for the sheep.

Within the past few weeks, tears flowed effortlessly from my eyes and the eyes of many strong Bar Men like the peaceful and calm waters that flow in the creeks of the delta. We cry not because we are from a weak tribe but because no man is beyond pain and there is no shame in our tears. Ogaga was lovely, loved by his friends and even his enemies. The simple realization that we will not see him again shakes the very foundation of our emotions and breaks the cords that hold it.

The nucleus of Ogaga’s life was simply service. Service to his family, the NBA and all those who had dealings with him in every sphere of life.

In my religious inclination and conviction, I hold strongly that the arms of the Almighty God are warm, comforting, peaceful and extremely loving. May the soul of Ogaga find peace in the arms of his Maker, the Almighty God.

Rest on my friend.


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