( Ama-Mme Anana-Owo) 

 Posterity will beckon on me with left hand if l cease to let loose of truth that should ultimately spur the young and old minds of this noble profession 

I have set my listening apparatuses to the ground,  hence decry the imaginary inventions and ill-calculated impressions created  to ruin the would-have-been good relationship between the "young and senior lawyers " vis-a-vis the forthcoming NBA BRANCH ELECTIONS,  UYO. 

More saddening and damaging is,  where these ill-fated thoughts,  stone-age and primitive beliefs are pitiably orchestrated by  the "nobles " of this profession. 

Today, we have to decolonize ourselves from this backward thinking! Yes! Today, I recommend GERONYOUTHOCRACY ( i.e. GERON (wisdom of the Old) + YOUTH + CRACY) as a liberal NBA UYO Democracy that seeks to flatten the curve of negative beliefs, and dump into the waste bin of history the Aristotelian belief that:
_*“equals should be treated as equals, and unequals as unequals”*_

Today, thanks to this Liberal democracy, George Orwell’s belief that 
*_“all animals are born equal, but some are more equal than the others”*_, will be a nightmare not to remember,  let alone replicated in the forthcoming NBA UYO BRANCH Elections. 

Our fundamental rights and the rule of law are inseparably interwoven-- indeed, one cannot exist without the other. Therefore, we must not relent in advocating for and promoting the rule of law(equality), as it is the bedrock upon which the NBA was established. Mind you,  equality is not used in this context as a sword, for seniority is article of faith greatly cherished by this legal profession. 

Thus, this GERONYOUTHOCRACY in NBA UYO BRANCH forthcoming Elections, will usher in a man with the wisdom, capacity in Law,  qualification and experience to amalgamate the wisdom of our great senior/old lawyers to thrive on the strength of youth. 
                  *_Truly remarkable leadership is not just about motivating others to follow, it’s  about inspiring them to become leaders themselves and setting the stage for even greater opportunities for future generations._*   Per~Condoleezza Rice (Former US Secretary of State)

I personally believe, that if it were a jinx , then should such a jinx be broken, hence:
               *_All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them._*     Per~Walt Disney. 

Thus, I would humbly submit that, my GERONYOUTHOCRACTIC theory,  as a liberal democracy should span through our minds, we work together to give our NBA,  UYO the voice it deserves; let posterity beckon on us with right-hand that we did the right thing by supporting the wisdom of the Old propelled by youthful strength, capacity,  quality and experience in NBA ELECTION, Uyo, 2021.

 Remember, _*“leadership is not about you; it’s about investing in the growth of others.”*_     Per~ Ken Blanchard.

              In the immutable words of STEVE JOBS: 
                   _*if you are working on something that you really care about,  you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.*_

Let’s join hands and do great things --- exile these negative thoughts of imaginary divisiveness,  banish same, and let it crumble in sham and shambles---
And *_"…all the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honour, duty, mercy, hope, vision, etc.”*_   per~ Winston Churchill.


  1. Very invaluable contribution. It has no synergy not direction. The writer is merely speculating or frivolizing the issue at stake in Uyo Bar. Let him take his trade elsewhere.


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